How long can I borrow a book?
Answered By:
Constance Mannone
Last Updated: Aug 01, 2024    Views: 151

Loan periods for books are dependent on which collection they are a part of.

  • Books from the Stacks (second floor collection), may be checked out for 28 days. They can be renewed for another 28 days or until the semester is over, whichever comes first. 
  • Reserve books (books at the Circulation Desk) are books required for courses and include required reading, lab manuals, and textbooks. Most reserve items cannot leave the library and can only be checked out for two hours. Please check with library staff if you require a longer loan period, as some reserve books may be checked out overnight, for 3 days, or for 7 days.
  • DVDS may be checked out for 7 days and renewed for another 7 days or until the semester is over, whichever comes first.
  • Reference books cannot be taken out of the library.