The database I need to use is telling me that I need a barcode or ID number to sign in, but I don't have a library card. What can I do?
Answered By:
Constance Mannone
Last Updated: Aug 19, 2022    Views: 201

When accessing library articles or ebooks off-campus, you will first need to log in to Canvas and click the Library tab on the side menu. From here, you should be able to access most of Bard Library's electronic resources via the Databases or EBSCO eBooks buttons.

If you are still being prompted to log in, all of the institutional credentials can be found in red text on the library's database page in Canvas.

If you aren't on campus and you click on a database from a LibGuide or the library's database list, it will not allow you to access articles. You must access databases through Canvas for off-campus access.

Please be advised that off-campus database access through Canvas is only available for BCCC students and faculty/staff. Community members are unable to access databases off-campus.

If you're still having access issues after logging into Canvas and navigating to the Library's page in Canvas, please email the Electronic Resources Librarian, Constance Mannone, at